Mendi and the Brain
The brain is the response center of the body - processing and interpreting information, memory, intelligence, creativity, and emotion. Without it, we would seize to be. Every action you take in your day-to-day life is computed and actioned through the brain’s neural network. For example - when you go to make yourself a coffee, the brain needs to predict the necessary movement to accommodate the action - relaying signals to your arms and hands through firing off neurons in your neural networks.
Neurons - The information messengers of the body.
In short, neurons exist to send and receive information. They come in many different shapes and sizes, and are generally comprised of three parts:
Dendrite: receiver of a signal
Cell body: a soma that computes the signal
Axon: Signal sender
Neurons work by sending out signals in a giant spider-web network of synapses where information is constantly transferred and digested. The human brain is estimated to contain over 100 billion neurons (roughly the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy), and each neuron is connected to thousands of other neurons.
Learning and Plasticity
The neural networks in your brain are constantly changing. That's why we call the brain “plastic”. When you learn something, there is a physical and chemical change to the shape and output of a neuron.
Imagine learning as a stream of water flowing down a mountainside - the more water travels down one path, the deeper the path becomes. As time progresses the mountain stream becomes less and less likely to flow down a different path - eventually the pressure of the stream turns into a river.
“The brain operates on a ‘use it or lose it’ principle, switching off unused neurons and connections, and strengthening those that are most frequently used.”
The more we activate our brains by doing or thinking similar thoughts - the more we preserve certain networks of neurons and connections. Similarly, if we challenge our stream of consciousness to flow in new directions, we can enhance neural neurons, eventually transforming them into default ways of thinking.
Just like water streaming down a mountain - a change of behavior can, with practice and dedication, carve out a new path. The beauty of the brain’s plasticity allows you to continue to learn, grow, and change your thought patterns throughout life - all it takes is a little practice and dedication.
With Mendi, you are able to visualize what happens in your prefrontal cortex while training to forge your progress towards creating new desired patterns of thought - strengthening your brain and rewiring your mind away from unhelpful habits.
Introducing the prefrontal cortex
To successfully interpret and put together a comprehensive picture of the world the brain is composed of several specialized areas responsible for processing specific kinds of information quickly.
Temporal lobe: processes sounds and simple language
Occipital lobe: processes vision
Parietal lobe: integrates all sensory information
Prefrontal cortex: organizes information from all brain parts into complex cognitive functions, like attention, planning, decision-making, problem-solving, self-control, and social behavior.
“The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the brain area that Mendi measures.”
If you think of your brain as an entire orchestra with billions of instruments playing together, the PFC is where the conductor stands. The PFC is a region of the brain that lies at the front of your brain. Its location in the front of the brain allows it to act as a major hub for neural networks carrying information from all parts of the brain.
The world is a continuous barrage of sensory inputs that surround you every minute of the day. The PFC’s role as a conductor is to decide what to pay attention to. With Mendi brain training you can strengthen your prefrontal cortex to enable better sensory processing, heightened emotional regulation, sharper focus, and capacity to concentrate.
Interested in kickstarting your journey towards better brain health? Watch this expert review.